A shared language of grace and celebration, aspiration, expectation and kindness as we follow Jesus.

National Church Planting Network
Networks and denominations united in a strategic collaboration to reach the nation for Jesus.
Our mission is to purposefully reverse the narrative of decline and catalyse the multiplication of churches, through intentional disciple-making, normalising church planting, revitalising existing churches, reimagining future churches, developing the next generation and leadership pipelines.
A church marked by influential leadership and unity of purpose.
Through apprenticeships and other training resources, with a diversity of planters in every denomination.
Church-planting and multiplication of disciples are normalised in every denomination and training institution. We want to see at least double the number of existing churches.
NCPN Organising Committee
Share resources, events and ideas across the network

Save the date
NCPN Gathering 2024 will be on Thursday 28 November.