Events / In Person

Plant Course London

The Plant Course is about the why, what and how of starting a new worshipping community. It is for those who are doing something in a new place, with new people in a new way. The course takes a plant team on a two month journey, meeting once a week. You are led and managed by facilitators with the sessions held at set times and locations. You work through the course as part of a consistent cohort and benefit from each other’s input.

Starting 24 April 2025
Seven Thursdays from 9:30am to 1:30pm

The Old Deanery
Deans Court

Presented by CCX


By the end of the course, each church planting team will have a clear and robust sense of:

  • What they are about (vision and values)
  • How they will deliver this on the ground (reaching new people)

At the course’s conclusion, the church planters present their planting vision, strategic plan, budget and growth plans to one another and a panel of experienced clergy and other experts. Collaborative feedback is given.


  • The course starts Thursday 24 April to Thursday 19 June 2025
  • There are seven weeks in person, from 9.15 am for coffee, with a 9.30 am start. We aim to finish at 1.30 pm.
  • Course costs £350 for teams of up to five people (contact CCX if your team wanting to do the course exceeds five)
  • Bursaries are available

Course Dates

  • 24 April 2025 – Planning
  • 01 May 2025 – Growing
  • 08 May 2025 – Going
  • 15 May 2025 – Leading
  • 22 May 2025 – Resourcing
  • 05 June 2025 – Establishing
  • 12 June 2025 – Presenting

To apply for the Plant Course either click the button below or contact our relationship manager, Benita:
