Devised and led by Jos Lucas, the Oak London programme exists to promote reconciliation and reconnection within communities.
‘We offer young men aged 18 and over a five step programme,’ explains Jos, ‘Aimed at supporting participants to choose positive paths and forge hope-filled futures by building a strong support network around them.’
The five steps of the programme involve:
Enrolment to get to know the young person and assess their suitability for the programme;
Residentials lasting four to five days at Trinity College Bristol where the schedule includes outdoor activities, workshops and cooking meals together;
Follow up sessions for six weeks, building on themes explored at the residential including goal setting, addressing trauma, relationships, faith and life;
A community project, acting as an opportunity to give back, organised and led by the participant;
Mentoring, supplying one-to-one support for a year.

A project of Bethnal Green Mission Church, the programme is described as being faith based but not faith biased. There’s no requirement for participants to have any faith or religious background, only to accept the vision which is to see young people’s lives turned around, not only by turning from crime into work but to see ‘long lasting and substantial transformation in the way they relate to themselves, others and the world’.
‘Our programme is always small and participant centred,’ says Jos. ‘It will support these young men to both escape negative lifestyles and to develop structures and disciplines that enable them to live as constructive members of society. Beyond that the hope is that they will become leaders of restoration in their own communities.’
Find out more about Oak London. Contact Jos Lucas with any queries at: .
You can sign up or make a referral for an individual who could benefit from the programme.