By Alex WoodJune 2020
Watch / 3 min
Diane Grano
Wole Agbaje
Janie Cronin
Chris Hill
Read / Feature
Philippa Guy
Converting a former nightclub into a city centre resource church is no easy feat. Yet Fountains Church Bradford has managed this, now worshipping in its …
Watch / 37 min
Ben Gardner
Revd Michael Broadley, Revd Kat Marjoribanks and Revd Ben Gardner reflect on the lessons they have learnt in partnering to plant STB Grange Park.
Read / Resource
Catherine Ellerby
As a dance movement therapist and former professional dancer, Rachel Michael has had a strong sense of calling to offer her skills in movement and dance …
Watch / 6 min
When Samantha moved to the Strawberry Vale Estate in East Finchley, she was aware that her life was missing something. When a chance encounter with the …
Watch / 44 min
Al Gordon and others
Multiplying congregations to reach new people within and beyond the current church building. Panel: Al Gordon, Vienna McCarthy, and Alex Wood
A journey of intentional growth and planting at St Eth's Fulham has led to the planting of two new worshipping communities in the parish. Each has a unique …
Ray Driscoll
Painted on a wall in Christ Church, Gosport is the phrase, ‘Good things for Gosport’. Revd Ray Driscoll shares the journey of launching a new family service …
In June 2020, as the country was emerging out of its first lockdown, Lydia Corbett became the new leader of St Leo’s Basford in North West Nottingham …