Inspiring the Church in practices of health, renewal and multiplication.
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Presented by Church of England
Hear the findings of new research into what promotes spiritual growth amongst 18–35-year-olds and discuss how this might equip churches to facilitate discipleship.
Read / Feature
Catherine Ellerby
A church in the City of London is reaching out to some of the City’s unseen workers. Having identified a need for English classes, St Katharine Cree is …
Read / Resource
Threshold, a rural church planted in Lincolnshire 30 years ago and now networked with friends in Dorset and Norway, have been trying to respond to God …
Watch / 4 min
Diocese of Leicester
A new area of ministry has opened up for St Peter's church in Oadby, Leicester, at a pub opposite the church. Pub-goers are taking up the opportunity to …
Watch / 8 min
David Cornish
Beatrice Smith and Joe Brady both felt a call to plant a new church in Greater Manchester - but the fruit of that call, the planting of Restoration Church …
Being intentional about growth, discipleship and developing a culture where everyone is involved is bearing fruit at Holy Trinity Hounslow, a diverse Christian …
Read / Research
Christian Selvaratnam
Christian Selvaratnam reflects and comments on the findings of Church Attendance in October 2022, a report by Bev Botting, Ken Eames and Bob Jackson.
St Martin’s Church NW5 describes itself as ‘a community of faith, hope and love in Gospel Oak’ in North London. The Vicar, Mother Carol Barrett Ford, spoke …
Simon Lang has been the pastor of Neighbourhood Church, Beckenham, since it began in his own home 15 years ago. He shares his experiences of how the Grow …
Philippa Guy
Tim Rose is the Rector of St Mary Magdalene church, Littleton. He shares his journey of growth, from exploring a new men's outreach to growing a team of …
Marcus Gibbs
Revd Marcus Gibbs from Ascension Balham tells the story of Bubble Church, a new Sunday gathering that has emerged from the pandemic as a popular space …
St Basil's is a new Anglican church based on an organic working farm in Devon, interweaving community, hospitality, creativity and prayer in the converted …
Converting a former nightclub into a city centre resource church is no easy feat. Yet Fountains Church Bradford has managed this, now worshipping in its …