Online / 10:00 AM
Presented by Church of England
Hear the findings of new research into what promotes spiritual growth amongst 18–35-year-olds and discuss how this might equip churches to facilitate discipleship.
Watch / 5 min
David Cornish
In 2021, God placed a conviction on Martin Jones' heart around making disciples. On realising that he didn't quite know what that would involve, he began …
Read / Feature
Catherine Ellerby
Being intentional about growth, discipleship and developing a culture where everyone is involved is bearing fruit at Holy Trinity Hounslow, a diverse Christian …
Watch / 14 min
Tolulope Olajide
Tolu Olajide leads a seminar for Multiply 2022 that explores why spiritual formation is so important for leaders.
Watch / 3 min
Jason Roach
Church planter, Jason Roach shares three top planting tips from his own experience offering some practical advice, including how to avoid common pitfalls.
Bishop Emma Ineson
Bishop Emma Ineson leads a Bible reflection from the gospel of Matthew, looking at the 'job description' for all church leaders and planters based on the …
Watch / 9 min
Rachel Gardner
Rachel Gardner talks about some of the myths surrounding Youth Ministry and challenges Christians everywhere to play their part in discipling this and …
Read / Book
John McGinley
John McGinley explores what it means to be a follower of Jesus Christ in the 21st century. It examines the way Jesus formed his disciples, as well as exploring …
Watch / 18 min
Fr Christopher Trundle and Darren Wolf
Darren Wolf and Christopher Trundle discuss elements of Catholic formation.
Sam Donoghue
In this video, Sam Donoghue talks about the impact that the church and the home have on the spiritual development of children and youth.
Darren Wolf
Darren Wolf draws from Scripture to discuss the meaning of New Testament discipleship today.
Gareth Robinson
Gareth Robinson offers ten guiding principles for pioneers and church planters - five based within our own formation of character, and five that see us …
Watch / 45 min
Winfield Bevins and others
1-3 years into a church plant, how are you doing? Time for an MOT. Panelists: Winfield Bevins, Ali Herbert, and Richard Perkins