Explore Church Planting

Session One: Why plant churches?

Within ‘Why plant churches?’, we outline the wider aims of the course - to grow in understanding of church planting and the breadth of approaches - and consider how God is calling us to engage in this. The session examines five reasons why we might plant a new church community. Click each section heading to play video.

1. Why plant churches?

17 minutes

Christian Selvaratnam, Dean of Church Planting for St Hild Theological College and an Associate of the Gregory Centre, looks at some of the reasons why we might start new churches. Focus is given to five specific topics: Evangelistic need; Biblical mandates; To fulfil the Great Commission; To renew the Church; For practical reasons.

2. Historical case study: Wesleyan church planting

7 minutes

Sarah McDonald Haden looks at church planting in the historical context of John Wesley, exploring how he inspired a church planting movement.

3. Contemporary story: Ben and Amy Woodfield

23 minutes

Ben and Amy Woodfield share their story of planting churches in social housing estates of Manchester and Bolton.