Events / In Person

Multiply Estates Mission 2025 Bristol

Hosted at B&A Church, Bristol, CCX Multiply Estates Mission 2025 is a time to gather together in unity, to recognise our need for each other in order to fulfil the roles God has given us.

Thursday 27 March 2025
9 am – 2 pm

Programme from 10.00 am

279 Gloucester Road Bristol BS7 8NY

Includes lunch
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Hosted at B&A Church, Bristol, CCX Multiply Estates Mission 2025 is a time to gather together in unity, to recognise our need for each other in order to fulfil the roles God has given us. The centre and the edge must work in unity. There’s no place for lone warriors – we are one body, one spirit, called to one hope.  Join in as we play our part together.

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279 Gloucester Road Bristol BS7 8NY


It’s for practitioners with a deep love for estates communities and those new to the call but hungry to get going. It’s for everyone, so bring your team.

Hosted at B&A Church, Bristol on Thursday 27 March 2025, Multiply Estates Mission will be a gathering filled with resources, stories and encouragement.

  • 9:00 am – 10:00 am: Come along for coffee and registration
  • 10:00 am – 1:00 pm: Main gathering
  • 1:00 pm – 2:00 pm: Lunch is served

Tickets are £10 including lunch, but please contact us at should costs present any challenge.

By train


By bus


By car


We are able to provide a free ticket for all those with additional needs who require a companion. Please email us at and we will provide you with a ticket code.
