By Alex WoodJune 2020
Watch / 3 min
Wole Agbaje
Chris Hill
Janie Cronin
Diane Grano
Read / Feature
Helen Shannon
Helen Shannon, leader and planter of church@five, based on the Strawberry Vale Estate in East Finchley, shares insights from their latest youth-centred …
Watch / 5 min
David Cornish
In 2021, God placed a conviction on Martin Jones' heart around making disciples. On realising that he didn't quite know what that would involve, he began …
Watch / 8 min
When David Atkinson, Springfield Church’s Pioneer Curate, set out to pioneer a new community on the Roundshaw Estate, he was given the instruction not …
Catherine Ellerby
Simon Lang has been the pastor of Neighbourhood Church, Beckenham, since it began in his own home 15 years ago. He shares his experiences of how the Grow …
Philippa Guy
How can churches connect with different communities and demographics? Revd Jo McKee shares her parish’s story of planting a lay-led community in North …
St Ann’s Church in Tottenham, North London, has recently planted a worshipping community on the neighbouring Tiverton estate. This marks the latest and …
Watch / 42 min
John McGinley and Emma Miles
Emma Miles shares her story of planting a worshipping community, on the estate where she grew up in Bridlington.
Watch / 44 min
Al Gordon and others
Multiplying congregations to reach new people within and beyond the current church building. Panel: Al Gordon, Vienna McCarthy, and Alex Wood