By Bishop Ric Thorpe and John McGinleyJune 2021
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Watch / 40 min
John Valentine and others
Explore a theological foundation for establishing new communities, with a reflection on examples of planting and pioneering.
Bishop Mike Harrison and others
What does this concept mean for the Church of England and how does it connect with pioneering and planting Christian communities?
Watch / 41 min
Bishop Will Hazlewood and others
The power of sacrament to shape church and help people grow in faith, in the context of new Christian communities.
Sarah McDonald Haden and others
Women are under-represented in the leadership of pioneering and planting new Christian communities. Why, and how can we overcome this?
Heather Cracknell and others
How Fresh Expressions (FX) and missional communities provide a unique opportunity to make and nurture new disciples. Exploring the principles and practicalities …
Shade Esther Adeyemi and others
Why is it so important to establish prayer as a priority when we are planting new churches? Discover ways to make this a reality.
Cate Williams and others
Can creation care can be integrated in pioneering and planting? This session looks at how a concern for the environment can be at the heart of mission.
Watch / 42 min
Bishop Lusa Nsenga Ngoy and others
Presenting a vision of communities which bring together people of different races and cultural backgrounds. Why is this important, what are the challenges …
Sarah Sharpe and others
Examining the importance of creating multi-age communities. Discover how to navigate the challenges and identify what works well.
Ian Mobsby and others
How to integrate the riches of the Church’s ancient traditions in the formation of new Christian communities.
Wole Agbaje and others
How to identify the people with the right skills for your team and build life as a team.
Watch / 3 min
Jason Roach
Church planter, Jason Roach shares three top planting tips from his own experience offering some practical advice, including how to avoid common pitfalls.