By Archbishop Stephen CottrellNovember 2020
Presented by Church of England
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Read / Research
CCX outlines the vital lessons and insights gained from the experiences of pioneers in the Church - those trailblazers that exist beyond the familiar …
Alanna Harris and Wendy Brooks
A little over a decade ago, the Church of England embraced something new - a step change in its approach to the revitalisation and multiplication of its …
Pete Broadbent and Bishop Ric Thorpe
We start with our vision for every Londoner to hear and experience the gospel of Jesus Christ. This leads us to think and act more audaciously, generously …
Alex Harris
Revd Dr Alex Harris, Director of Baptist Church Planting at St Hild College, shares his research into an ambitious question – what if every Baptist church …
Does the Church of England have a consistent theology of church planting? How mixed is the mixed ecology? And how does our use of language reveal our theological …
This paper from the House of Bishops sets out some principles for the implementation of church planting, and the development of new congregations, as part …
Christian Selvaratnam
Christian Selvaratnam reflects and comments on the findings of Church Attendance in October 2022, a report by Bev Botting, Ken Eames and Bob Jackson.
Eido Research presents an exploration of what is helping people to grow in Christ-likeness, making disciples and enabling multiplication, and recommendations …
John Valentine
An analysis of those aspects of theological formation which best equip church planters for their work. Written by JohnValentine as part of his Doctorate …
Mark Powley
How do we get from the theory of Mixed Ecology to practice? How do we create communities where what’s new flourishes alongside the traditional? Mark Powley …
Read / Feature
This report about lay ministry was commissioned by the Archbishops’ Council and prepared by the members of the Lay Leadership Task Group. The Council has …
'Points of Departure' by John Valentine aims to make a positive case for a theology of church planting, exploring the current field and inviting new, constructive …