Imagine if every Christian lived their life as Jesus would. It would change the world. But most Christians have neither the vision nor the tools for the task.
That’s where LICC comes in. They’re catalysing a movement that empowers Christians to live as disciples of Jesus in daily life. Working with individuals, church leaders, and those who train them, LICC delves into the Bible, thinks hard about contemporary culture, and listens carefully to God’s people.
What LICC does comes out of what they learn: resources, events, training, stories, and more – all to help people show the difference Jesus makes right where they are. If you’d like to see your everyday through God’s eyes and make a difference there, check out LICC’s core resources:
Frontline Sundays: short films, sermon notes, activities, small group studies, and giveaways for five services that’ll help you discover God-given purpose where you are with your church family.
Fruitfulness on the Frontline: a book and small group series that’ll equip you make a difference with Jesus where you are by seeing and taking opportunities to model godly character, make good work, minister grace and love, mould culture, be a mouthpiece for truth and justice, and be a messenger of the gospel.
Growing on the Frontline: this course is the sequel to Fruitfulness on the Frontline. With real-life stories, Bible studies, group discussion, and prayer tools, this eight-session small group series will help you identify and overcome the things hindering your fruitfulness – for the good of those around you and the glory of God.