Fresh Expressions
Fresh Expressions serves a movement of everyday Jesus-followers joining with the Holy Spirit to grow and multiply new, authentic Christian communities that breathe life into their communities and networks.
Ordinary individuals who have been starting new Christian communities in the nooks and crannies of people’s everyday lives. From new housing to rural, urban to suburban, messy church and third age to forests, coffee shops, beaches, pubs, barns, online and even church buildings!
Since the charity was formed in 2004 Fresh Expressions has been enabling and encouraging pioneering in creative and contextual ways, and has accompanied this with robust theological research, reflections and reports on how fresh expressions have gathered and discipled people who weren’t connecting with traditional forms of church. We know all about the challenges and joys of pioneering, but more importantly we know that this approach to mission works.
We’re not a denomination. We’re not a pathway to ordination. We are serving a grassroots movement of people who can’t stop thinking about who isn’t in church and who want to do something about it. A band of misfits, visionaries, prophets, evangelists and creative entrepreneurs who have the grit and faith to go out, listen, love, serve, tell people about Jesus and work with their new communities to create a new and authentic expression of church that makes sense and makes a difference.