Watch / 42 min
Bishop Lusa Nsenga Ngoy and others
Presenting a vision of communities which bring together people of different races and cultural backgrounds. Why is this important, what are the challenges …
Watch / 41 min
Sarah Sharpe and others
Examining the importance of creating multi-age communities. Discover how to navigate the challenges and identify what works well.
Watch / 40 min
Beki Rogers and others
Recognising the unique pressures church planting puts on leaders and how to grow healthy, sustainable ministry.
Bishop Will Hazlewood and others
The power of sacrament to shape church and help people grow in faith, in the context of new Christian communities.
Ifechukwu Nnatuanya and others
Presenting a vision of planting churches in homes and how this works in real life.
Darren Wolf and others
Introducing the principles of coaching and how it benefits pioneers and planters.
Cate Williams and others
Can creation care can be integrated in pioneering and planting? This session looks at how a concern for the environment can be at the heart of mission.
Sarah Jackson and others
Unless the gospel is expressed compassionately in serving people's needs, it won't feel like good news. We examine the importance of a holistic approach …
Watch / 38 min
Nicki Sims and others
How church-planting networks can empower us and how to grow networks from a single church plant.
John Valentine and others
Explore a theological foundation for establishing new communities, with a reflection on examples of planting and pioneering.
Christian Selvaratnam and others
What are the training needs of pioneers and planters and how can we best meet them?
Helen Shannon and others
Understanding the unique characteristics of urban estates is essential to shaping our approach to pioneering and planting. Explore this and how estate …