New Worshipping Community Grant

Funding up to £10,000 for NWCs in London

The Creative Growth ambition is committed to supporting new worshipping communities across the Diocese of London.

As part of that support, The Gregory Centre for Church Multiplication (CCX) has secured funding for a London New Worshipping Communities (LNWC) grant fund. The LNWC grant fund is specifically intended to progress the priority of supporting the advancement of the Christian faith in the Diocese of London through starting new Christian worshipping communities intended to reach new people with the love of God in Christ.

Applications for funding up to £10,000 are welcomed from parishes, organisations and individuals involved in church planting or other models of starting new Christian worshipping communities within the Diocese of London who meet the criteria, including:

  • The successful completion of the appropriate CCX training for the type of work being undertaken (e.g. Plant Course, Pioneer School, Become, Myriad) with a positive recommendation;
  • All information and documentation required on the application be satisfactorily completed, submitted and fulfilled;
  • Supporting documentation that the grant requestor has the support of the appropriate diocesan authority (e.g. Area Bishop and Archdeacon) to engage in the work described in the application.

A more detailed list of criteria can be found here

If you have successfully completed a CCX training course to prepare you for starting a new worshipping community in the Diocese of London and would like to request an application for funding, click on the button below or email Katie our Relationship Manager at