Growth and connection that takes place when we gather together
Online / 10:00 AM
Presented by Church of England
Hear the findings of new research into what promotes spiritual growth amongst 18–35-year-olds and discuss how this might equip churches to facilitate discipleship.
Online / 9:30 AM
Presented by Myriad, together with CPAS
A course developed by Myriad and CPAS to raise awareness of lay planting and role of oversight ministry with ordained leaders.
Online / 7:00 PM
Presented by CCX, together with CMS - Church Mission Society
CCX and CMS invite you to a Gather, a time to meet and learn with Pioneers from across the London area and share dinner together.
Online / 7:30 PM
Presented by Cranmer Hall Centre for Church Planting Theology and Research
Planting in Multi-Cultural Contexts. Join Cranmer Hall as they talk to Revd Yinka Oyekan (The Gate Church, Reading) and Dr Kang-San Tan (BMS World Mission …
Presented by CCX
Discover what national resources are available for training local leaders in an estates or low income community context.