Sam Donoghue
Media: Multiply
We are delighted that, for a short while, Sam Donoghue is joining CCX to support Multiply 2024, with a focus on Growing Younger. This is alongside Sam’s current role as Head of Children’s and Youth Ministry at the Diocese of London. CCX is truly grateful that the Diocese has been willing to release Sam to do this.
Sam is a long-term friend of CCX and regular contributor of the Plant Course, encouraging teams to place children and young people at the heart of their church planting plans.
Sam has worked within the Diocese of London team for 17 years, which has seen him partner with Youthscape to establish the ‘Launchpad’ course, helping vicars lead on youth work in their parish, pioneering ‘Youth Minsters’ as centres of mission and evangelism for young people and the ‘Apprentice Programme’, training over thirty young people to be paid youth workers in their community.