Ruth Visick-Evans
Grow Coach
I have over 20 years’ experience of leading in the voluntary and statutory sectors, a large proportion of which was with the Christian charity, Oasis. This included four years leading Oasis’ work in Uganda and 6 years training and mentoring leaders globally, through the roll-out of an internal leadership development programme and through one-to-one support.
I trained as a coach in 2018 because I was passionate about supporting leaders, primarily in the charity/church context, and equipping them with the skills and inner resources they need to flourish in their work and thereby make a greater impact in the communities they serve. I have since coached a wide variety of leaders in charities, businesses, schools and churches. The churches have ranged from small to large congregations, churches with a single leader to churches with a large staff team, a range of denominations but predominantly urban-based and charismatic/evangelical in style.
I have always been committed to serving my local church and have led in most areas of church life, including serving on church leadership teams and as a trustee/PCC member. I get particularly excited by churches who are seeking to engage meaningfully with their local communities, building bridges with those outside of the Church and providing opportunities for connection, relationship, witness and service. I also love to help church leaders to develop and release other leaders, providing further opportunities for growth.
Having learned personally that leadership is often very lonely, I consider it a privilege to provide that safe, confidential, supportive space, where people can remove any masks and be honest about what’s really going on. I provide opportunities to identify, reflect on and explore key issues before helping people to articulate what steps need to be taken to move forward. My particular areas of interest include helping people discover their purpose and passion, understanding personality and how it impacts teams and leadership behaviour, developing confidence, prioritising well-being, and the leadership of self, teams and individuals.