Debbie Copping
Qualified Leadership Coach. Passionate about reaching those with no church background and a leader in a 3rd generation cafe-style church plant.
I qualified as a coach in 2016 during a 10-year spell in the corporate world of leadership and talent management; and achieved my ACC certification with the International Coach Federation in 2018. I coached executive and senior leaders at BT.
I now coach independently, in the church and voluntary sector. For the London Diocese, my work has been with leaders of resource churches and on church growth programmes. Locally where I live in Bracknell, and internationally, I coach leaders across all denominations. The leaders I work with represent churches across a broad spectrum of styles and traditions – multi-site, young church plants, established congregations, large and small, evangelical through to traditional.
Personally, I am passionate about church growth, church planting and reaching those outside the church. It’s a privilege to share in the joys and trials of leading churches. And as a church leader myself, I understand many of the challenges.
My role as a coach is to be a thinking partner rather than a mentor. We start with what the leader brings to the conversation, exploring this to identify what will help them achieve their goals and thinking through how best to do this. Typically, the leader leaves the session with further things to explore and/or a plan of action.