Idina Dunmore and her team talk about the missional community, The Table.
By Idina DunmoreMay 2019
Toria Gray and others
The Plant Course equips and prepares church planting teams in the why, what and how of starting a new church community.
Christian Selvaratnam and others
Discover creative ways of starting new Christian communities in your area.
Phil Hoyle and Idina Dunmore
Paul Pavlou and Helen Shannon
What does it take to plant a church? Paul Pavlou, vicar of St Mary Magdalene with the church of the Risen Christ Church in Wyken, Coventry, unpacks his …
Phil Hoyle
The word Pioneering is used more and more in church circles to describe a kind of church, a method of church planting, or a particular ministry, but what …
Watch / 50 min
Mark Tate and John McGinley
John McGinley talks with Mark Tate, about how he came to be the leader of the Grove Community and his vision for it to be a healthy, growing church community …
Read / Feature
Mohan Seevaratnam
Mosaic Church is a missional community in North West London that’s seeking to honour cultural differences and diversity in everything that is done. We …
Watch / 6 min
David Cornish
Rosie Horridge is a lay pioneer minister whose experience of church changed significantly after the birth of her first child. Hear how this challenge inspired …
Philippa Guy
Bankuet is the UK’s first online zero waste food donation platform. It supports over 100 food banks in 51 cities across the country and fed roughly 20,000 …
Activate is a new sport and activities ministry based in Teddington, Greater London. It works alongside local churches to enhance wellbeing, community …
Watch / 4 min
French Connect is a French church service meeting at St Barnabas Church, West Kensington, London - a city in which up to 300 000 French-speaking people …
What does it look like to be innovating within a very established institution like the Church of England? How do you put the Church back into a space where …