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Reaching schools with the FLOURISH network

In seeking to increase the strategic partnership opportunities between the Church and education settings, the Church of England is launching the FLOURISH network of worshipping communities in schools and Further Education (FE) colleges in autumn 2024.

Presented by Church of England

This network will initially be in 43 pilot locations across a range of Dioceses, built on strategic partnerships between the school or college and local church. This network of new worshipping communities will involve primary and secondary schools and FE colleges, and a blend of Church of England and community school contexts. 

FLOURISH will be overseen by a national team within the Church of England Education Office, working in partnership with 13 pilot Dioceses: Bath & Wells, Birmingham, Bristol, Chester, Derby, Durham, Lichfield, Peterborough, Portsmouth, Salisbury, Southwark, Southwell & Nottingham and Truro. Each pilot will seek to grow a worshipping community engaging up to 100 children and young people and their families in the first two academic years. 

FLOURISH is based on five dynamic principles that underpin its thinking and practice:

  • Young people’s voices are instinctively at the centre of all leadership decision-making and implementation
  • A clearly articulated and shared purpose to grow a younger and more diverse community of Christian disciples
  • Strategic leadership partnership between a school or college and at least one church community (with appropriate long-term governance and resource commitment)
  • Intergenerational faith development experiences involving children and their families of all ages
  • Worship that is fully integrated into the regular rhythms, practices, structures and resources of the school or college’s vision for the flourishing of children and adults

It is our prayer that this engagement between churches, schools and colleges will become one of the biggest networks of worshipping communities focused fully on children, young people and families over the coming years. 

The Church of England operates around 4,700 schools (approximately 20% of the English education system) and therefore the success of this pilot, and the subsequent opportunities for deeper partnerships, is one we can all pray for.

For more information and to get involved, contact Andy Wolfe, Executive Director of Education at

This article was printed in Multiply 2024: The Manual, a publication that accompanied the programme of Multiply 2024, which explored multiplying a younger church. You can find related content below.
