Events / Hybrid

Fuller Formation Group

Fuller Formation Group invites you to take a year to focus on formation. Together with your cohort, you will experience weekly content, monthly small groups and four retreats that help establish a culture of healthy relationships, clarity of purpose, and renewed patterns of spiritual formation.

Thursday 14 September 2023 – Friday 13 September 2024
Thur 14 - Fri 15 Sep 23, Fri 2 - Sat 3 Feb 24, Fri 17 - Sat 18 May 24, Thurs 12- Fri 13 Sep 24

High Leigh Conference Centre EN11 8SG | St Barnabas Kensington W14 8LH

Presented by CCX

There is a certain kind of spiritual growth that God gives us through our regular and on-going channels of grace, like weekly worship. We know there can also be a special kind of growth that is unleashed during a concentrated and focused season of formation. Through this year, we expect to:

  • establish patterns of deep formation that supports and sustains a lifetime of faithful, integrated life in Christ;
  • cultivate the tools and means to address critical issues facing us and the communities and vocations in which we serve;
  • grow in awareness of God’s work in the world and in awareness of the unique and critical role we each play in the Kingdom of God;
  • learn within a community of peers with coaching from seasoned leaders and mentors.

Joining a Fuller Formation Group is a commitment. Is this the right time for you? Here are the three components:

  • Weekly content will feature short videos, readings, and formation exercises designed to help you grow in faith and leadership (commitment is about 45 minutes per week).
  • Monthly small groups with four others to process what you are learning from the weekly content and formation experiences (commitment is 90 minutes per month via video from your home or office – wherever you are in the world).
  • Quarterly retreats with the whole cohort. These are guided spiritual formation retreats to spend time with God, to process the weekly inputs, practice spiritual disciplines, and engage with guided reflection in a relational way.

Dates and Locations of Retreats:

  • 14 -15 Sep 2023 | High Leigh Conference Centre, EN11 8SG
  • 2 – 3 Feb 2024 | St Barnabas Kensington, W14 8LH
  • 17 – 18 May 2024 | St Barnabas Kensington, W14 8LH
  • 12- 13 Sep 2024 | High Leigh Conference Centre, EN11 8SG