Read / Research

Researching Discipleship: Five practices, one experience & the Holy Spirit

Eido Research presents an exploration of what is helping people to grow in Christ-likeness, making disciples and enabling multiplication, and recommendations on how churches can multiply disciple-making.

Presented by Eido Research

The fruitful, creative and intentional formation of disciples is foundational to CCX’s vision – to see the whole church built up and sent out in love, to plant and grow churches that equip all Christ’s people for his work.

The church is now seeking innovation in spiritual formation and disciple-making. With this in mind, CCX commissioned Eido to lead research into what is actually helping people to grow as missionary disciples – growing in Christ-likeness, making disciples, and enabling multiplication.

With its focus on the lived experience of those seeking whole-heartedly to follow Jesus, we hope that this research will enable more creativity, innovation, and focus on disciple-making across the whole of the Church.



Discipleship is the key theme of the Multiply 2025 church planting conference. Come join in the conversation on multiplying missionary disciples, book your tickets today.
