Equipping the Church to multiply, plant and revitalise church communities.
Watch / 42 min
Sarah Jackson and others
How do you train church planters? What journey do they need to go on? What content do they need? How should it be delivered? Panel: Sarah Jackson, Gareth …
Watch / 47 min
Adam Atkinson and others
How best to work with our denominations and organisational structures on church planting plans. Panel: Adam Atkinson, Philip James, and Tors Ramsey
Watch / 3 min
Bishop Ric Thorpe
God opens doors, directs us, and reorients us in order to help us change the way we do things and go to new places.
Watch / 14 min
Josh Howard and others
Josh Howard of Central India Christian Mission introduces Diwas Lama and Albert Tennyson, two church planters multiplying disciples and churches in India.
Watch / 2 min
We have stepped into new territory and need courage to navigate this new land. We need God to encourage us with boldness and encourage one another to meet …
Read / Feature
Linda Maslen
A new resource church has just launched in the heart of Bradford. Its home will be a former city centre nightclub and its heart is to be a sending church …
Helen Shannon
Helen Shannon is one of our Islington Associates and leader of church@five, a church that meets on an estate in East Finchley, North London. Having planted …
Wole Agbaje
IMPRINT Church London launched September 2019, with nearly 200 young people filling St Edmund the King in the City of London. Its leader, Wole Agbaje …
Rich Atkinson
Rich Atkinson and his team are reaching the young people in Woven
Watch / 25 min
Jacquie Driver
All plants have some finance and budgeting to manage as they launch and grow.
Watch / 29 min
There is no right way to plant a church. We can look back, we can look around, but you still need to work out what God has uniquely called you to.
Ron Bushyager
Understand your strengths and weaknesses as a leader looking at the theory of true self and false self and how this applies to your planting journey.