Encouraging the Church to pioneer, starting new church communities in creative ways.
Read / Feature
Philippa Guy
Activate is a new sport and activities ministry based in Teddington, Greater London. It works alongside local churches to enhance wellbeing, community …
Phil Hoyle
The word Pioneering is used more and more in church circles to describe a kind of church, a method of church planting, or a particular ministry, but what …
Read / Resource
Over the past few years CCX has gathered its Pioneers in Learning Circles to support each other and grow in ministry. But what is a Learning Circle and …
Read / Book
John McGinley
When we hear about God doing amazing things through someone we can relate to, something powerful happens. The impossible becomes possible, imagination …
Watch / 6 min
John Valentine and Hannah Patton
Hannah Patton shares her story on why she is embarking on an applied doctorate of ministry in church planting.
John Valentine and Mohan Seevaratnam
Dr Mohan Seevaratnam, is a GP and Lead Planter of Mosaic Church, Harrow.
Watch / 62 min
Bishop Ric Thorpe and others
Revisiting Mission-Shaped Church: Church Planting and Fresh Expressions of Church in a Changing Context - with it's original authors, Bishop Graham Cray …
John Valentine
John Valentine gives an update on the recently launched Doctor of Ministry in church planting and pioneering. A cohort of 35 women and men from the north …
Watch / 50 min
Mark Tate and John McGinley
John McGinley talks with Mark Tate, about how he came to be the leader of the Grove Community and his vision for it to be a healthy, growing church community …
Watch / 39 min
Jonny Baker and Phil Hoyle
Jonny Baker, Director of Mission Education for CMS talks with Phil Hoyle about his experiences as a pioneer and his new book, Pioneer Practice.
Bishop Ric Thorpe
This book looks at the biblical, theological and historical roots of resource churches. It covers all the practicalities of how to launch and grow an effective …
Watch / 40 min
Ed Olsworth-Peter and others
How do we discern God’s call and discover more about where, what and with whom to plant and pioneer?