Read / Feature
Philippa Guy
Converting a former nightclub into a city centre resource church is no easy feat. Yet Fountains Church Bradford has managed this, now worshipping in its …
How can churches connect with different communities and demographics? Revd Jo McKee shares her parish’s story of planting a lay-led community in North …
John McGinley
John McGinley talks about his new role and about the vision of Myriad, a movement to connect and support those – especially lay leaders - who feel God …
Read / Book
Bishop Ric Thorpe
This book looks at the biblical, theological and historical roots of resource churches. It covers all the practicalities of how to launch and grow an effective …
Watch / 40 min
Mohan Seevaratnam and others
How can people plant new Christian communities alongside their ‘day job’? Why is it vital to enable this to happen? A look at the challenges and principles …
David Sola Oludoyi and others
Sharing the gospel is at the heart of pioneering and planting. We look at building confidence and different ways to engage in evangelism.
Watch / 41 min
Betty King and others
Understanding the gifts given to the church by Christ, from Eph 4:11. Learn why the restoration of the gift of apostle, prophet and evangelist is especially …
Wole Agbaje and others
How to identify the people with the right skills for your team and build life as a team.
Beki Rogers and others
Recognising the unique pressures church planting puts on leaders and how to grow healthy, sustainable ministry.
Christian Selvaratnam and others
What are the training needs of pioneers and planters and how can we best meet them?
Watch / 13 min
Pastor Agu Irukwu
Pastor Agu Irakwu, Senior Pastor of Jesus House for All Nations in London tells how God has led him and his church into a new phase of church planting …
Winfield Bevins and Mark Dunwoody
Winfield Bevins and Mark Dunwoody will introduce you to Missional Formation Coaching which can help church leaders thrive, promoting healthy rhythms that …