Inspiring the Church in practices of health, renewal and multiplication.
Read / Feature
Ray Driscoll
Painted on a wall in Christ Church, Gosport is the phrase, ‘Good things for Gosport’. Revd Ray Driscoll shares the journey of launching a new family service …
Watch / 45 min
Paul Pavlou and Archdeacon Sally Gaze
Sally Gaze is the first Archdeacon for Rural Mission.
Bishop Ric Thorpe and John Valentine
In an article published by Premier Christianity, Bishop Ric Thorpe and the Revd John Valentine propose that while some statistics show a decline in church …
Bishop Ric Thorpe and others
Helping churches grow by being intentional about their health, depth and impact.
Read / Book
John McGinley
John McGinley explores what it means to be a follower of Jesus Christ in the 21st century. It examines the way Jesus formed his disciples, as well as exploring …
Winfield Bevins and Mark Dunwoody
Winfield Bevins and Mark Dunwoody will introduce you to Missional Formation Coaching which can help church leaders thrive, promoting healthy rhythms that …
Watch / 42 min
Darren Wolf and others
How are churches from the Catholic tradition helping nurture discipleship in this season?
Watch / 53 min
Bishop Ric Thorpe and Mike Starkey
Bishop Ric and Mike Starkey, Head of Church Growth for the Diocese of Manchester, take a fresh look at growth and the challenges that this brings in a …
Watch / 47 min
Hilary Ison and others
The Revd Hilary Ison and Dr Rosemary Gomes spoke with Darren Wolf about the importance of making space in a digital world for wellbeing and spiritual health …
Watch / 30 min
Darren Wolf and Thom Rainer
Thom Rainer is interviewed by Darren Wolf on his recent book and the challenges and opportunities that Covid-19 is creating for the local church.
How do we make disciples online? Darren Wolf talks with Lois Tackie-Oblie and Wole Agbaje around this timely question and asks them to share their experience …
Watch / 58 min
Bishop Ric Thorpe
Bishop Ric hosted a conversation with three church leaders looking at how churches and communities in a variety of contexts have engaged digitally over …