Diocesan Strategy

CCX helps diocesan and regional leaders develop strategies for planting and growing churches at scale. We enable strategic planners to plant churches that are diverse in model, leadership and tradition, complementing existing churches in their region.

We coach and train senior teams to develop church planting strategies and align their structures to facilitate the creation and growth of new Christian communities. We seek to work with leaders who have been given responsibility to develop the missional growth of their churches.

Within the Church of England, we work with dioceses through their bishop and senior teams. Within other denominations and networks, we work alongside their own leadership structures.

While we are a centre that aligns with the Church of England, we work with many denominations and networks, including Baptist, Methodist and Pentecostal. We work collaboratively with the leadership structures of every tradition, helping leaders (lay and ordained) identify for themselves all God is calling them to.

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