An interview with Josh Howard from Central India Christian Mission
By Josh Howard
Paul Pavlou and Helen Shannon
What does it take to plant a church? Paul Pavlou, vicar of St Mary Magdalene with the church of the Risen Christ Church in Wyken, Coventry, unpacks his …
Christian Selvaratnam and others
Discover creative ways of starting new Christian communities in your area.
Toria Gray and others
The Plant Course equips and prepares church planting teams in the why, what and how of starting a new church community.
Read / Feature
Catherine Ellerby
A journey of intentional growth and planting at St Eth's Fulham has led to the planting of two new worshipping communities in the parish. Each has a unique …
Watch / 42 min
John McGinley and Emma Miles
Emma Miles shares her story of planting a worshipping community, on the estate where she grew up in Bridlington.
Watch / 60 min
Bishop Ric Thorpe and Wole Agbaje
Bishop Ric Thorpe responds to questions hosted by Wole Agbaje
A new church planted on a growing housing development in Somerset has seen numbers more than double in just a few weeks.
Wole Agbaje
IMPRINT Church London launched September 2019, with nearly 200 young people filling St Edmund the King in the City of London. Its leader, Wole Agbaje …
Watch / 19 min
Hear Emma’s story, of coming to faith in Jesus Christ and experiencing a transformation that inspired her to start a church to help others encounter Jesus.
Mohan Seevaratnam
Mosaic Church is a missional community in North West London that’s seeking to honour cultural differences and diversity in everything that is done. We …
Philippa Guy
In April 2019, Hannah and Jonny Patton relocated to Goole in the Diocese of Sheffield to lead the last Anglican church in the town, St John’s. The community …
Watch / 2 min
Rich Atkinson
Rich Atkinson and his team are reaching the young people in Woven