All church planters, especially the lead planter, need to engage in fundraising.
By John ValentineJuly 2019
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Watch / 13 min
Philippa Guy
Throughout the life of a church plant, communication is key. Explore the communication cycle, communication plans and different media streams.
Watch / 25 min
Jacquie Driver
All plants have some finance and budgeting to manage as they launch and grow.
Watch / 10 min
Martin Euden
Martin Euden discusses ways we can look after buildings to maximise their impact on our community.
Watch / 41 min
Jacquie Driver and others
The practicalities of planting new churches, including good governance, financial systems, funding challenges and buildings issues.
Watch / 58 min
Andy Blacknell
Church planting, like life, isn’t a straight line from where you are now to your vision. Values will determine your vision and what you do and don’t do.
Watch / 6 min
Lizzy Woolf and Matthew Porter
Lizzy Woolf (Rector of St George’s Leeds) and Matthew Porter (former vicar of the Belfrey, York, now Bishop of Bolton) share their experience of financing …
Read / Resource
Pete Broadbent and others
Watch / 29 min
Ron Bushyager
Understand your strengths and weaknesses as a leader looking at the theory of true self and false self and how this applies to your planting journey.
Watch / 62 min
The workshop unpacks the legalities of mixed ecology, including understanding the legal implications of starting or renewing new Christian communities …
Ros Hoare
This job description is intended as a guide rather than a template. It will give you a general idea of the demands and duties generally required by such …
Read / Research
Pete Broadbent and Bishop Ric Thorpe
We start with our vision for every Londoner to hear and experience the gospel of Jesus Christ. This leads us to think and act more audaciously, generously …
Watch / 24 min
Angus Ritchie
This session looks at how the church is of, not just with, or for the poor, and how the church can respond to practical, tangible needs and how the church …